"Strengthening the church gathered

to be the church scattered

for the glory of Christ."


DSC_0104Valley Bible Church exists to glorify God by committing our time, energy, and resources to the three dimensions of our mission:

TO ONE ANOTHER: “strengthening the church gathered” - We seek to preach, teach, and equip the gathered church to build one another up in the gospel.

TO THE WORLD: “to be the church scattered” - We build up one another in the gospel in order to live as bold witnesses of Christ in the Upper Valley and to the ends of the earth.

TO THE LORD: “for the glory of Christ” - As we fulfill this mission, we will bring increasing glory, worship, and praise to Jesus Christ, now and for all eternity.

Valley Bible Church is "evangelical" church, which means that we are committed to the Bible as our final authority for knowing who God is, what he has done, and what he expects from us. The gospel message (the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for our sins) is the heart of our message and mission.

Want to know more about what we believe?

  • Our Statement of Faith is an expression of what we believe the Bible teaches on key areas of Christian faith and doctrine.
  • In addition to our Statement of Faith, the elders have adopted the VBC Elder and Teaching Affirmation of Faith as a more detailed expression of what we expect our elders to believe teach.